Annual teaching plan GRADE 7, TERM 1 Week (2 hours per week) 

Topic Content Weeks 1 – 3 The economy: History of money
Traditional societies; bartering; promissory notes; coins; paper money; electronic banking; the role of money

Weeks 4 – 5 The economy: Needs and wants
Basic needs of individuals, families, communities and countries; primary and secondary needs; unlimited wants; limited resources to satisfy needs and wants

Weeks 6 – 7 The economy: Goods and services 
 Goods and services; examples of goods and services; producers and consumers; the role of households as producers and consumers; using goods and services efficiently and effectively; how to recycle and reuse goods to satisfy needs and wants

 Weeks 8 – 10 Entrepreneurship: Businesses
Formal and informal businesses; types of businesses (trading, manufacturing and service) that are both formal and informal; advantages and disadvantages of formal and informal businesses; the role of formal and informal businesses as producers and consumers; the effect of natural disasters and health epidemics on formal and informal businesses

  TERM 2 

Topic Content Week 1 Revision
 Revise the work covered in the first term; give learners an overview of what will be taught during the second term

Weeks 2 – 3 Financial literacy:
 Accounting concepts Capital; assets; liability; income; expenses; profit; losses; budgets; savings; banking; financial records; transactions

Weeks 4 – 6 Financial literacy:
 Income and expenses Personal income; personal expenses; types of personal income; personal statement of net worth; types of income that businesses receive; types of expenses that businesses have; savings and investments in businesses

Weeks 7 – 8 Financial literacy:Budgets
 Definition of a budget; income; expenditure; a personal budget; business budget

 Weeks 9 – 10 Mid-year examination 
Mid-year examination must be based on the work covered in terms 1 and 2


Week 1 Revision
 Revise the work covered in the second term; give learners an overview of what will be taught during the third term

Weeks 2 – 3 Entrepreneurship: The entrepreneur
Definition of an entrepreneur; characteristics of an entrepreneur; skills of an entrepreneur; entrepreneurial actions of buying, selling, producing and making a profit

 Weeks 4 – 5 Entrepreneurship: Starting a business 
Needs and wants of consumers; analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT); setting goals; achieving goals; the concept of advertising; media used in advertising; principles of advertising; budget for Entrepreneur’s Day; use of recycled material; simple cost calculation – variable cost, fixed cost, selling price

Weeks 6 – 7 Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneur’s Day 
Hosting of Entrepreneur’s Day; income and expenditure statement

Weeks 8 – 10 The economy: Inequality and poverty 
Causes of socio-economic imbalances; inequality in South Africa; education and skills to fight inequality and injustice; urban and rural challenges; creating sustainable job opportunities


Week 1 Revision
 Revise the work covered in the third term; give learners an overview of what will be taught during the fourth term

Weeks 2 – 4 The economy: The production process
 Definition of production; inputs and outputs; sustainable use of resources; meaning of economic growth; meaning of productivity; the effect of productivity on the economic growth; technology in the production process; contribution of technology to improving productivity and economic growth

Weeks 5 – 7 Financial literacy: Savings 
Personal savings; purpose of savings; history of banks; the role of banks; services offered by banks; opening a savings account at a bank; community savings schemes; financial organisations; financial institutions and organisations promoting entrepreneurship

Weeks 8 – 9 Examination preparations
 Revise the work covered throughout the year; study techniques; examination writing skills

Week 10 End-of-year examination 

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